Committee Members

Group Strategy and Investment committee


  • Reviews and recommends to the Board regarding all new strategic investments and major funding initiatives the Group may enter into, including the mechanism for investment (e.g. start-up operations, mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures etc.), selecting between priority and non-priority investments
  • Ensures divestment from existing investments if the investment objectives are not achieved
  • Decides on appropriate funding mechanisms in the context of the overall funding strategy of the Group
  • Participates in the negotiations with potential investors/ funders, acquisition/merger candidates, etc.), when appropriate
  • Formulates and recommends to the Board the overall investment policies and guidelines of the Group
  • Provide input to management in the development of the Group’s strategy and shall make to provide recommendations to the Board for its approval
  • Assess plans for significant restructuring and adjustments to the Group and make recommendations as necessary for approval by Board
  • Monitor and review the annual business plan, budget and capital structure of the Group and recommend changes thereto as necessary.


Minimum of three members and majority required for a quorum.

Frequency of meeting:

Meets at least once a year.