

Empowering Investors, Driving Growth, Building Sustainable Value


Commitment to Excellence and Innovation

Letshego is a pan-African retail financial services group that leverages digitisation to support its purpose of ‘improving lives’ – increasing access to simple and inclusive financial solutions. Letshego’s regional footprint spans across 11 markets, supporting both individuals and Micro and Small entrepreneurs (MSEs).

Meet our management team

Leading Letshego to new heights of success and innovation.

Meet our board of directors guiding our vision and strategy to elevate investor value.

Frequently asked questions

These are the most common questions asked by shareholders and stakeholders.

I haven’t received my last dividend payment, what should I do?2024-10-31T15:20:22+02:00

You should contact our Transfer Secretaries whose details are listed below:
PricewaterhouseCoopers (Pty) Limited
Plot 50371
Fairground Office Park
Gaborone, Botswana
Phone: +267 395 2011

Can I download the company’s share chart image or raw data?2024-10-31T16:47:05+02:00

Yes. You may download the chart as an image into .png, . jpg, .svg or .pdf format, or download the raw data into either .csv or .xlsx formats by clicking the three dots on the top right corner of the chart on our website.

Can I receive my shareholder communications electronically?2024-10-31T16:57:12+02:00

It is our primary goal to communicate with all stakeholders electronically. If you would like to receive future communications from the Company by e-mail, please subscribe to receive the relevant alerts from us.

When do you release your financial results?2024-10-31T17:04:19+02:00

Our year-end is 31 December. Abridged full year results are usually released in mid-March of the following year. Our half year-end is 30 June and the corresponding half year results are usually released in or around September of the same year.

You may check upcoming shareholder dates on the calendar section of this website, or sign-up to receive email notifications of future release of our financial reports.

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